Saturday, 27 July 2019

Changing the embedded tomcat server in spring boot application?

How to Change the Embedded tomcat server with other embedded Server (Jetty or Undertow) in spring boot application?

I got this question many times and want to provide answer here:

To change the tomcat server with Undertow, replace the following dependencies:

1. Remove the spring-boot-starter-web dependency from pom.xml

2. Add the following dependencies

Here we will exclude the spring-boot-starter-tomcat dependency from spring-boot starter-web


Now Run the application and check the console output, you will see: Undertow started on port(s) 8080: (In my case, it is default port, you can also change the port in file).


Undertow Screenshot

To change the tomcat server with Jetty, replace the following dependencies:

1. Remove the spring-boot-starter-web dependency from pom.xml

2. Add the following dependencies



Now Run the application and check the console output, you will see: Jetty started on port(s) 8089 (Port which you have set for server, default port 8080).

Jetty output: